Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why I'm afraid to have kids.

Why this is the greatest video I've ever seen in my entire life:
- The first second makes me question my choice in video selection, the second jumps right into the main idea of the video, it climax's in the third second and it ends with a me tearing in laughter. I imitate the end laugh every single time I see it. UHAHA
- The man has a cleft eye, four chins and a pirate outfit. Its like the Hunchback of Notre Dame meets Pirates of the Caribbean.
- I like to imagine he trapped a rat or something and is calling all members of the ship to view his discovery.
-  When ever I'm down, I can watch this video and think, "at least I'm not a grown man who looks like a Picasso living in the bow of some ship."

I'm a terrible person.

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